Landscape painter, who responds to the local environment. Using paint, drawing and printmaking. Sketchbooking and collage play an important part in the making process. A member of the Plymouth Society of Artists and the 21 Group of Artists.
IOriginally from Leeds, after training at Art Schools in Bradford and Exeter, and a career in Art education Richard Sunderland is a Plymouth based artist. In 2016 a Stroke was a life changing moment. The work that was produced, pre-stroke and post-stroke, in sketchbooks, are drawn particularly on his reflective state over the last 7 years. A process of re-learning and re-discovery for his surroundings, his Plymouth and West Devon colours. He has always felt that his drawing and painting, are part of his way of processing, his intellectual property, unique to how observations and decisions are made, problems are resolved and his work shows the history of mark-making whether using charcoal, brush or his hand, everything has a deliberate action, intentionality and relationship.
There are aspects of my work, that change with each series of works. I am constantly, trying to get the studio, the work, and myself talking together. The natural landscape inspires my work, I painting directly onto a surface a favourite is dry plaster, using watercolour and acrylic inks. I am a collector of visual imagery and experiences, sketchbook recording and photographs, from looking and experiencing, and bring the visual and sensory knowledge to the studio where my memory and imagination can be explored. A favourite subject is suburbia, where the built and natural environment perform and interact, and natural phenomena paint their own image on the built environment. My palette changes according to the seasons, the time of day, minutes even seconds. Time and the strands of time that are moving at different speeds, some so fast they are fleeting experiences while others are changing so slowly they appear to be stuck in time. My work is trying to capture a moment of time, like a sundial shadow, I have to capture that magic moment before the sun or the earth move on or it will be lost.
Photograph by Eliot Siegel
Site Pages not on Menu Bar.: RSD ART NEWS - LINKS
Site Pages not on Menu Bar.: RSD ART NEWS - LINKS
Exhibitiona 2025 Birdwood Gallery Totnes. Artmill Gallery Plymouth Artmill Gallery Plymouth Sou Sou West Gallery - Sydmondsbury Dorset. 24th.May - 14th.June Artmill Gallery - Plymouth 10th Jan. - 15th Feb. - Plymouth Society of Artists Exhibitions 2024 Artmill Gallery Plymouth Christmas Exhibition November 9th January 3rd. Artisan Gallery Torquay November 10th.- December 24th. English Riveria Winter Open Penwith Gallery - St.Ives- 14th October - 15th.November - Plymouth Society of Artists. Artmill Gallery - Plymouth 26trh July - 24th. August Richard and Friends Artmill Gallery - Plymouth 17th May - 15th June - Plymouth Society of Artists Old Mortuary - Plymouth 4th. April - 17th.April - Rhizome Artist's Collective . Artmill Gallery - Plymouth 22nd. March - 20th.April with the 21 Group of Artists Exhibitions 2022- 2023 Artmill Gallery - Plymouth 18th Feb - 19th March with the 21 Group of Artists Theatre Royal Plymouth - 14th April - August 6th with the Plymouth Society of Artists Artmill Gallery - Plymouth - Solo Show, "Looking for "Whin" & "Furze"." 27th May - 23rd July Artizan Gallery -Torquay - 13th Aug - 4th Sept with the 21 Group of Artists Artmill Gallery - Plymouth - 7th Oct - 5th.Nov with the Plymouth Society of Artists Theatre Royal - Plymouth - Dec15 to Apr .1st. with the 21 Group of Artists Exhibition 2021 21 Group of Artists - Limekiln Gallery, March 21 Group of Artists - Penwith Gallery Penwith, September 21 Group of Artists - Artizan Gallery Torbay, September DOS. 21 Group of Artists - Birdwood House Totnes, November Exhibitions 2020 Plymouth Society of Artists - Artmill Gallery Plymouth - July to September 21 Group of Artists - Birdwood House October / November Exhibitions 2019 On My Own - Theatre Royal Plymouth - Private View February 8th. February March 31st. 21 Group of Artists - Artmill Gallery Plymouth 29th March - 27th April. Plymouth Society of Artists - Theatre Royal Plymouth 1st.July - 14th September. Signpost 8 - Looking Forward - Cube 3 Gallery Plymouth University Portland Square Building 8th - 28th July. Co-Curator Drawn to the Valley Open Studio - Artmill 27th-29th.August. Rhizome CE 2019 - Cube 3 Gallery Plymouth University Portland Square Building 28th. October - 30th. November 21 Group of Artists - Birdwood House 23rd - 30th. November. Conferences/ Workshops Devon Art Teachers Conference Torre Abbey 2019 Exhibitions 2018 21 Group of Artists - Theatre Royal Plymouth April Signpost 7 Cube 3 Gallery Plymouth University Portland Square Building 8th - 28th July. Co-Curator Two Richards - Take Two at the Artmill Gallery Plymouth September. 21 Group of Artists - Birdwood House, Totnes November Rhizome CE 2018 Cube 3 Gallery Plymouth University, Portland Square Building November |